18th July, 2002: First Reiki Initiation

Consuelo gave me the first initiation in Reiki and I started my auto-reiki which I still do.
She then proceeded with an initiation into the “Light of the flame” which was an acceptation of being a warrior of light and gave me the possibility on working on the Islands (cities) of light which are insight of Mazatlan. This procedure gave me a sword of light which I used to work on myself, to open the way – cutting everything that blocked my way – but after a while and I went back to my baston as it was more powerful..
That night I had a conscious dream of a master sitting in meditation which was in black and white from the past. It was the Pajaro-Jaguar from Yaxchilan in grey stone but seemed to be alive – and was another incentive from teacher Don Lauro to keep meditating – and to connect head to heart – or lower thoughts from the head to the heart – to feel more and think less.

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